Project Description
Outsurance ‘Cars’
I was fortunate to supervise and help finish a bunch of shots for the latest Outsurance marketing campaign.
Lee Doig from Let It Rain Films directed the 4 spots along with producer partner Sam Kelly.
I worked with Priest Post on this one and together with Nathan Anderson and Sam Alessandri we turned 7 live cars into a fleet of many more!
The environment was derived mainly from drone footage so it was a pretty painless environment creation process.
Most of my time was spent setting up and maintaining the cars’ look and lighting.
Nathan’s remarkable car rig/system handled all the mechanics and animation, all under producer Michelle Duvenhage’s guiding eye.
Well done Priest! It’s a pleasure working with you.
Nic Apostoli|Strangelove colored the spots.
Check out the spots on the Outsurance Youtube channel or by clicking one of the images below: